Oroville Hospital Welcomes You
We are dedicated to always providing the finest personalized health care to Oroville.
At Oroville Hospital we take your healing seriously. Our health care professionals are committed to providing the finest medical care to Butte County and Northern California residents in a safe, friendly, and compassionate environment. When you are a patient at Oroville Hospital, our primary concern is to help you get well quickly and make a smooth transition home.
On this website, you'll find useful information about our facilities, programs and services.
All of us at Oroville Hospital are dedicated to meeting the most rigorous standards of excellence and we welcome your comments and suggestions.
Robert J. Wentz
Oroville Hospital
2767 Olive Highway
Oroville, CA 95966-6185
Phone: 530.533.8500
TDD: 530.533.5109