Didactic Curriculum


PGY-1:  Basic Psychopharmacology
PGY-2: Advanced Psychopharmacology Inpatient Setting
PGY-3: Advanced Psychopharmacology Outpatient Setting
PGY4: Apply Psychopharmacology in interdisciplinary treatment.

Psychotherapeutic Tools and Psychotherapies

PGY-1:  Interviewing, Evidence-based Tools for Acute Settings
PGY-2: Cognitive Base Therapy, Intro to Psychotherapy
PGY-3: Cognitive Therapy, Attachment Theory, Cross-Culture Therapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
PGY-4: Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Psychotherapy, Intimacy

Cultural Psychiatry 
Our Psychiatry Residency Program is organized to provide our residents with knowledge, experience, and exposure to treating patients of different ethnicities, races, gender identifications, and sexual orientations, communicating with them, and work a driver team on creating a treatment plan. They will research culturally competent, address health care disparities, and understand American cultures and sub-cultures. The Cultural Psychiatry curriculum is implemented into the didactics in all four years of residency training, along with in-depth learning and integrating knowledge with clinical practice, research, and advocacy. 

Topics Covered:

  • Social determinants of mental health
  • Structural competency
  • Cultural humility
  • Structural racism in psychiatry
  • Social injustice and mental health
  • Cultural psychiatry and psychotherapy
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Ethnographies of self
  • Cultural psychiatry
  • Mental health equity
  • Women’s mental health
  • LGBTQ+ psychiatry
  • Transgender mental health

Butte County Diversity & Training in the Local Community
Butte County is an evolving community with diverse citizens from different backgrounds and living situations. Citizens are witnessing the most significant diversity this region has seen, and it is essential to formulate care that reflects the community they are serving. The Oroville Hospital Psychiatry Residency Program is implemented with training in working with diverse and marginalized patients in Butte County. 

Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
PGY-1:  Neuroscience and the Mind
PGY-2: Psychological Testing
PGY-4: Neuroscience Review
PGY-1&2: Legal Issues in Psychiatry
PGY-4: Advance Legal Issues in Psychiatry
Quality Improvement 


Diagnosis-Based Topics:




  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar
  • Depressive Disorder
  • Substance Use/Withdraw
  • Somatization disorder
  • Conversion Disorder
  • Factitious Disorder
  • Dementia
  • Neuropsychiatric
  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Bipolar
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD


Research-Based: Journal Club
Oroville Hospital's Psychiatric Residency program encourages our residents to continue expanding their knowledge and keeping an open mind to all scenarios and diagnoses they encounter. That is the reason we implemented the Journal Club into our didactic curriculum. Residents will be required to read recommended texts, articles, and research and will learn how to read and critique research articles and improve their evidence-based practice. They will meet every week for three years of training for an hour.

Clinical Activities

PGY-1 residents spend the first year learning primary care, performing initial evaluations, and continuing care of patients. They will recognize, manage, and treat internal medicine conditions across different organs. Spend two months in Neurology, where they will consult patients with neurological disorders—working with inpatients' psychiatry while learning emergency psychiatry by evaluating patients they check in through Oroville Hospital Emergency Room.
PGY-2 residents will learn the main topics of child/adolescent psychiatry with diverse ethnic and cultural populations. They will participate in activities and discussions to help them learn to work with forensic and geriatric people and advance their knowledge and skills in psychopharmacology and neuromodulation. They will also understand how to evaluate and manage patient substance abuse and dependence disorders.
PGY-3 residents will spend the 12 months partitioning, diagnosing, treating, and managing psychiatric illness across the continuum of care at the Rural Health Clinic. This will provide residents with a range of psychiatric disorders in adults, along with learning about utilizing community resources and services and working with case managers, crisis teams, and other mental professionals when planning patient care. It will advance their skills in interacting with the pharmaceutical industry.
PGY-4 residents will supervise an interdisciplinary treatment team at Oroville Hospital. They will gain extensive experience in utilization review, quality assurance, and performance improvement. The course will cover the essential topics in administrative psychiatry, systems of care, and solutions for psychiatric healthcare disparities. They will prepare for the board exam, including the Clinical Skills Exam. They will participate in research topics and how to Transition to independent practice.



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