Remote Examination Device (RED) Robot
Providing live consults between teleneurology specialists and patients.
The latest addition to Oroville Hospital’s medical staff comes in the form of an autonomously driven robot known as RED, a system developed by InTouch Health and iRobot. Using secure, high quality video conferencing capabilities, RED enables patients to undergo a consultation with a teleneurology specialist remotely 24/7, leading to faster diagnoses and treatments for patients experiencing a stroke or traumatic brain injury.
RED is staffed by a telehealth consultation group, VeeMed, which provides teleneurology specialists who work closely with Oroville Hospital’s neurology, emergency services staff and award-winning stroke response team to provide rapid neurology assessments and treatment plans.
Benefits to Patients:
- Immediate access to a board certified teleneurology specialist during all hours of the day and night.
- Ability to undergo a complete visual and verbal neurology evaluation by an experienced teleneurologist to speed treatment and save patients valuable time.
- Ability to receive immediate care close to home, reducing the need for travel.
The addition of RED to Oroville Hospital’s neurology response team will ensure patients continue to receive the best quality care at all hours of the day. This cutting edge technology provides greater access to care during time-sensitive emergencies. Patients can quickly begin their journey to wellness without delay, reinforced by the hospital’s dedication and commitment to excellent care.
Watch RED in Action