Colon Cancer and Colonoscopies

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women, however, with early detection and treatment, colon cancer can be caught early and even prevented from happening.
Dr. Love Dalal discuses what to expect during a colonoscopy, and how this gold standard screening tool can actually help prevent colon cancer.
Recognizing Stroke: F.A.S.T

About 80 percent of strokes are preventable and with rapid treatment death can be prevented and brain damage minimized. Do you know the warning signs?
Mary Jarschke, RN, SCRN shares what the acronym F.A.S.T stands for, and why it is so important to seek help immediately if you or a loved one is having a stroke.
Hearing Loss and Audiology
Deborah Touchette, AuD explains the field of audiology, the signs of hearing loss, and the treatment options available at Oroville Hospital.
The Best Ways to Exercise and Diet for a Longer Life

In this panel interview, Emily Sylvester, RD and Ardith Friday-Hamm, RD discuss portion control, healthy eating choices and recommended daily exercise.
Quitting Smoking for Good

Are you ready to quit smoking? Dr. Sidharth Bagga discusses how you can quit smoking for good, and how the Oroville Hospital's smoking cessation program can help you kick the habit once and for all.
Facts You Should Know for Flu Season

Kimberly Basham, RN, BSN, CIC shares all the facts you should know for the upcoming flu season. She shares the signs and symptoms of flu, what treatments might be available and the importance of getting your flu shot every year to prevent the flu from getting you and your loved ones very sick.
When Should I Get a Mammogram?
The key to successfully treating breast cancer is education and prevention.
The Women’s Imaging Center at Oroville Hospital now offers 3D mammography imaging with our digital breast tomosynthesis technology. 3D images offer a more comprehensive view of breast tissue as images are displayed as individual slices which allow physicians to examine breast tissue more closely.
In this important segment, Elizabeth Johnson, MD and Beverly Davis, RN discuss when you should get a mammogram, and the services provided if you have an abnormal mammogram through the nurse navigator program at Oroville Hospital.
Questions to Ask When Considering a Midwife

Oroville Hospital offers a superior childbirth experience with the addition of midwifery services. As certified practitioners, midwives are extensively trained to guide women through pregnancy, childbirth and the period after birth.
Kerry Eldridge, CNM, NP clears up some myths about midwives and discusses childbirth preparation classes for parents available at Oroville Hospital.
The Advantages of Surgery Using the da Vinci® Robot

Patients have more options than ever before when it comes to advanced surgical procedures and techniques offered in Butte County. As an organization dedicated to delivering innovative and cutting edge technology to the North State, Oroville Hospital's Robotic Institute is home to two leading minimally invasive surgical robots: the da Vinci® Xi and Si Robotic Surgery Systems.
Dr. Ravi Nagubandi, a general surgeon at Oroville Hospital, discusses the benefits of the da Vinci® Robot for surgery of many different kinds for patients and how the technology has changed the landscape of surgery for better outcomes.
The Importance of Talking, Reading & Singing with Children
It has been shown, that when parents spend time talking, reading, and singing to young children, it can help the child with early learning and development. It is also a wonderful way to strengthen the parent-child bond.
If begun at an early age, these activities can foster brain development in young children, which improves language and communication skills. Children exposed regularly to reading, singing and talking are better prepared for school.
Maria "Alice" Alino, MD, and Eric Neal, MD highlight the importance and the beauty of talking, reading and singing to young children.
Ultrasound Endoscopic Carpel Tunnel Surgery

If you start to feel pain in your thumbs or wrists and it is becoming difficult to perform daily tasks, you might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal tunnel occurs with the compression of the median nerve in the hand. “Of the nerves that go to your hand, the median nerve is the biggest in terms of how much skin it covers, but it’s the one nerve that goes through a confined space, called the carpal tunnel,” explains Dr. Christopher Jobe, orthopedic surgeon at Oroville Hospital. “Also in that space are tendons and occasionally some muscle. So, if there is any swelling in there, the nerve is the one that suffers and the person experiences numbness in the thumb and the next two and a half fingers.”
Some populations are more at risk, including those who are prone to inflammation and individuals who engage in certain repetitive motions—whether related to one’s career or other physical activities.
Field of Ophthalmology: Ensuring a Clear Future
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“Going to the eye doctor” can mean a variety of things. Will you see an optometrist, an ophthalmologist, or an optician? Or, all three?
According to Dr. Charlene Chang, ophthalmologist with Oroville Hospital, each has a very specific job in regards to eye health. “An ophthalmologist is a physician who’s gone through medical school, internship, and residency and is trained in medical and surgical ophthalmology—so treating medical diseases and doing surgeries on the eye,” she explains. “Optometrists are trained to specifically make and test for glasses and contacts, and they also deal with the health of the eye, but their specialty is more in the glasses field.”
An optician is someone who takes the information that either the optometrist or ophthalmologist has acquired and helps the patient pick out frames, makes lenses with contacts, and assists with the final selection of optical supplies.