Odyssey Intraocular Lens – Guiding Your Path To Clearer Vision
YUBA CITY, CA (05/01/2024)— Yuba City Ophthalmology is proud to announce our facility's launch of the Odyssey intraocular lens. We have been chosen as one of the pioneering institutions in Northern California to adopt and effectively integrate this groundbreaking intraocular lens. The Odyssey represents a significant advancement in ophthalmic technology, promising improved vision outcome and enhanced comfort for those undergoing cataract surgery or lens replacement procedures.
“It is an honor to be one of the first in implanting this new intraocular lens here in the North State,” stated Dr. Amin, Yuba City Ophthalmologist. “This is a proud moment for Yuba City Ophthalmology in cutting edge cataract surgery and being able to customize to patient’s individual needs. I firmly believe the introduction of the Odyssey intraocular lens will expand the line of ophthalmology services we are able to provide for the community.”
The Odyssey offers various lenses with different focus points to suit patients' needs. The three categories of artificial lenses available for patients are:
Single focus—mono-focal, prioritizes a singular focus point at either far distance, indoor distance, arm's length, or reading distance.
Extended focus – enhancing the depth of focus in mid-range vision
Multifocal – trifocal design provides continuous focus in all vision zones instead of the single and extended focus.
With the combination of cutting-edge technology and the expertise of our knowledgeable ophthalmologist, Dr. Pranav Amin, Yuba City Ophthalmology aims to set a new standard in vision correction and eye care services.